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4 Reasons To Consider Investing In A Worsted Suit

Most people have heard of worsted suits and associate the fabric with high-end garments, but far fewer understand what worsted is and what makes it special.

Worsted is actually a type of high-quality wool. Worsted garments are made exclusively using sheep fur, and long fibres are used rather than shorter ones. The yarn will have been combed, carded and processed in a special way to produce worsted's notably smooth appearance. These differences from standard wool give worsted a wide range of benefits over other fabrics. Here are just four reasons you should consider a worsted suit.

1. Style

Worsted suits have remained popular throughout the years thanks to their ability to project a high-end sense of style. This is because worsted boasts a particularly smooth finish. Whereas most fabrics used for suits look slightly rough or fuzzy when viewed up close, the fibres and processes used to create worsted suits mean they have an incredibly smooth finish. It might seem like a small difference, but it's one that subtly helps worsted suits stand out as something special and luxurious.

2. Comfort

The fact that worsted suits are so smooth to the touch is only part of what makes them so comfortable. Worsted is also lighter and more supple than many other fabrics used to create suits. Combined with its soft texture, this allows worsted to offer superior comfort. Even if you wear your suit throughout the day while frequently moving around, you should stay comfortable when that suit is made from worsted.

3. Warmth

Standard wool suits are already prized for their ability to keep wearers warm without adding much bulk to their frame — that's one reason wool remains so popular. Worsted takes this benefit one step further. The way fibres are processed creates plenty of air pockets, and they trap heat to ensure you stay warm even during cold weather. This means worsted suits combine a sleek appearance with good insulation.

4. Durability

If you're investing in a good quality suit, you'll want to know it's going to last for a long time without showing signs of wear. Worsted fabric is ideal in this regard since it is known for its durability. Combed fibres create a remarkably strong and resilient fabric that can maintain its shape even when worn regularly. Worsted is also easy to maintain. It does not wrinkle easily, and any wrinkles that do develop can be quickly and easily removed through steaming or pressing. Since worsted fabric is completely organic, it won't suffer any damage if exposed to moisture.

Contact a tailor to learn more. 
